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The Washington Area Performing Arts and Events Center is a state-of-the-art venue for plays, musicals, concerts, recitals, comedians, dancers, speakers, festivals, business meetings, conventions, and many other events. It is a fully handicapped accessible facility offering comfortable seating for 704 patrons with a technically advanced lighting and sound system. Our stage dimensions are as follows: The proscenium is 50' wide, with 21' off-stage wing space on each side. The stage is 36' deep, plus a 9' apron.
This center is a joint venture of the Washington Community School District and the City of Washington. The facility was created with funding from many local donors, a school bond levy and major support from the Washington Riverboat Foundation and the Vision Iowa Community Attraction & Tourism Fund. An Operations and Advisory Committee made up of representatives of both the school system and the city acts as a liaison between city and community in matters of auditorium use and scheduling. The auditorium is adjacent to both a large commons/cafeteria, kitchen, and large music rehearsal rooms.
The center is available for public events in addition to school performances.
Starting with the 2021-22 season of performances, we have been very proud to be partnering with the Washington Concert Association (WCA) and their 50-year history in our community to bring an even broader array of programming to Washington. Our combined efforts are now known as "The Washington Performing Arts Series."
Having a professional entertainment series was one of Vision Iowa’s requirements when we sought their funding to build the auditorium. Funds raised through our programming will continue to be used to help ensure the financial success of future seasons and underwrite the cost of enhancements to the facility as needed.
WAPAEC Operations Board
Cindy Ayres, Jim Ayres, Erik Buchholz,
Ginny Cochran, Jan Gallagher, Julie Hill, Doug McBride, Jaron Rosien,
Cindy Seberg, Melissa Westphal, Millie Youngquist, Robert Youngquist
WCA Board Members
Barb Donkersloot, LInda Soukup, Julie Zahs
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